ArtSound FM Community Radio is calling for applications for this year’s ACT Young Virtuoso Awards.

If you are an instrumentalist under 25, or a vocalist under 30 by the end of this year, we encourage you to apply.

The four finalists chosen from entrants will perform live on air on Sunday, September 29, where each will be judged as to their performance by composer Sally Greenaway and composer and classical guitarist Marian Budos. The winner will be announced at the end of the program.

There is a monetary award for the winner and runner up, supplied by Belconnen Rotary and recording time at the ArtSound Studios. Fares as well as accommodation for the winner to attend the National Awards in Sydney in November will be covered.

Applications are now open until 5pm, Friday August 30. Please complete the application form on the ArtSound website (below) and send a three-minute video of one of your performances to through We Transfer or similar.

Being a finalist and performing on Radio is an excellent way to improve your presentation skills.

ArtSound looks forward to receiving your entry.



Please complete and sign this agreement and submit by 5pm on Friday August 30.

For auditions: a video recording of 3-4 minutes should be forwarded to ArtSound FM via or delivered to ArtSound FM Studios in the Manuka Arts Centre, before 5pm on Friday August 30 2024.

The ACT Finals will be held 2-4pm on Sunday, September 29, 2024 in the ArtSound Recording Studio and broadcast live on ArtSound (FM92.7 & 90.3, on DAB+, and streamed online at Each contestant will perform two or more works of their own choice from the classical music repertoire for a total 20 minutes.

ArtSound has a Yamaha grand piano. Each contestant will be able to rehearse for 15 minutes at times to be arranged during week prior to the ACT Finals.

Please mail to:

  1. Your biography suitable for a concert program (up to 200 words)
  2. Your accompanist’s biography (up to 100 words), where relevant
  3. Program details – title(s) of the work(s) to be performed with approximate timings


Name: __________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___/___/___

(instrumentalists must be under 25, vocalists under 30 on 31/12/24)

Are you a permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand?                                               YES / NO

Have you lived or studied in the ACT or near surrounds for at least 12 months (by 31/12/2024)?                                                                                                                                                   YES / NO

Instrument / Voice Type:         ____________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________         Post Code: _________

Phone: __________________________                                Mobile: _________________________

Email: ___________________________________________


Name of Accompanist: ______________________________________________________


I have correctly stated my age. (Note: instrumental contestants must be under 25 years of age and vocal contestants under 30 on 31 December 2024.)


Signed: ______________________________



Print name: _______________________________                                                 Date: ___/___/___


If you, the Entrant/Contestant, are under the age of 18 as of 31 December 2024 a Parent or Guardian must also sign this agreement.


Signed: _______________________________


Print name: _________________________________                                             Date: ___/___/___