ArtSound’s Senior Memories service provides programs for people with restricted access to social services and entertainment. Many listeners are in aged-care facilities.
Content includes entertainment, health, and education information specifically tailored to the audience.
Senior Memories, which is part of our regular broadcast stream, is heard from 10am to midday, each weekday. (It was formerly delivered via the Internet as a streaming digital-audio service to subscribing care homes and similar locations.)

Senior Memories was launched as a trial in May 2013 with the aim of enhancing the quality of life of seniors who may be socially isolated or living in aged-care facilities and retirement villages.
“I am very impressed with the Senior Memories network, which is professionally produced, is much appreciated by recipients of the service, and provides for an excellent community service outlet for the service’s volunteers.” – Mick Gentleman MLA, Then Minister for the Ageing, January 2015

Senior Memories was, until mid-2020, delivered via the Internet as a digital audio service; it streamed into subscribing locations in Lyons ACT, Curtin ACT, Page ACT, Belconnen ACT, Lyneham ACT, Griffith NSW, Yoogali NSW, and Finley NSW. In that form, Senior Memories employed some of the latest audio-over-Internet technology to deliver a pristine signal to participating sites.
The service originated at ArtSound FM’s Manuka Arts Centre studios in Canberra, and its 24-hour-per-day schedule included “nostalgia” and other music; recordings of local and national concerts; segments on mindfulness, well-being, poetry, and photography for the ageing; life stories; origins of Canberra suburb names; era-specific radio serials; and various programs that originate or air through ArtSound FM.
Now that the service has become part of ArtSound’s regular broadcast stream, the same small team of dedicated ArtSound volunteers is continuing to deliver Senior Memories, with a similar ethos of service. From 11am to noon each weekday, one of the most popular features of the former subscription service is now heard over ArtSound FM at 92.7FM and 90.3FM in Canberra, and worldwide via the Senior Memories Morning Show.
Significant supporters of Senior Memories over the years have included the ACT Government, Canberra Southern Cross Club, Rural Funds Management, Infinite Networks, and the Rotary Club of Belconnen.
The service attracted interest from University of Canberra researchers interested in measuring how era-specific music and related programs benefit the quality of life of residents of aged-care facilities.
For more information, or to find out how you can support or take part in Senior Memories programming, please contact ArtSound FM at or (02) 6295 7444.