ArtSound Media Resources

This page is for internal ArtSound volunteer access only, to access copies of our branded materials.


Headings: Hind Guntur Bold

Subheadings: Hind Guntur Light

Other: Hind Guntur Medium

Download fonts here: Hind_Guntur_Font_Family_(Fontmirror)

Highlight Colours

Yellow-y highlight colour #F7DFA2

Darker yellowy colour (as in logo) #E3C885


Some of these images are backgrounds, others are logos etc.

Blank Social Media templates

To use these, go to and create a brand new template matching the project (eg. Facebook Post).

Then, upload the corresponding image from this page, add it to your project (right-click on it to select it as a background), and add your additional text in respect of the colours and fonts above.

Facebook Post

Blank Instagram Feed Post

Existing posters/flyers